english-dutch 143

  1. 2. complete, wrap up
  2. 5. thought
  3. 7. to preven
  4. 13. control, dominance
  5. 14. to follow
  6. 17. requirements
  7. 18. disappointments
  8. 20. screens
  9. 22. criminal record
  10. 23. people
  11. 25. participation
  1. 1. on the contrary
  2. 3. thereafter, subsequently
  3. 4. extensive, extended
  4. 6. advice
  5. 8. selection
  6. 9. somewhere
  7. 10. mandatory
  8. 11. further
  9. 12. forty
  10. 14. hence
  11. 15. student
  12. 16. attendees
  13. 19. want
  14. 21. focus, emphasis
  15. 24. often