English II Comp - Syllabus Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. What kind of devices will we discuss in MT4?
  2. 5. What will we study after phrases and before punctuation in MT1?
  3. 6. What type of writing will be focused on as our third measurement topic for this course?
  4. 8. What do you need from Mrs. RM in order use your devices (cell phones/headphones) during class?
  5. 10. What grade will any student caught cheating receive?
  6. 14. Where will most assignments be accessible and turned in for this course?
  7. 15. What percentage of your final course grade will the semester exam make up?
  8. 16. This course will assess what along with participation?
  1. 1. What type of essay will not be accepted without a complete works cited page?
  2. 2. What part of her last name did your teacher add when she got married? (Hint: comes after hyphen)
  3. 4. How should you always bring your school iPad or computer (daily tech)?
  4. 7. How many word total word lists are in the vocabulary unit?
  5. 9. Why type of book will you need to read for MT5?
  6. 11. What type of formatting will be used during the writing process of MT3?
  7. 12. How should you always be about the needs and emotions of those around you?
  8. 13. How many students are permitted to leave class for restroom use?
  9. 17. How many weeks after the original deadline will Mrs. RM still accept late work?