English III (Lists 16-20)

  1. 3. To oppose and defeat; obstruct, frustrate
  2. 7. To praise highly; exalt
  3. 11. Strongly supporting a specific party, cause, or person
  4. 12. Having an honored name or reputation; having prestige
  5. 15. An oddity; something different from what is normal or expected
  6. 16. Very challenging; demanding
  7. 22. Having the supposed power to see things not perceived by the normal senses
  8. 24. Warm and friendly
  9. 25. A state of mental numbness; a daze
  10. 26. Referring to a condition present at birth; inborn
  11. 27. A feeling of resentment or anger because of wounded pride
  12. 28. To give in
  13. 29. Offering unwanted advice or services; meddlesome
  14. 33. To damage the good name or reputation of
  15. 34. Showing unusually early development or maturity, especially in mental ability
  16. 37. To teach a specific body of doctrine or point of view, excluding other opinions
  17. 39. Difficult to interpret or understand; puzzling
  18. 44. To weaken; rob of strength or energy
  19. 46. Highly noticeable in a negative way; conspicuously bad
  20. 48. Made less perfect through injury or damage
  21. 49. To make impossible in advance; prevent
  22. 50. Physically or mentally exhausting
  1. 1. Giving in to the authority of others; obedient
  2. 2. A feeling that something bad is going to happen
  3. 4. Senseless
  4. 5. Lacking agreement; lacking harmony
  5. 6. Calmness of mind or manner; self-possession
  6. 8. Tending to escape; hard to catch hold of or identify
  7. 9. Able to float or rise
  8. 10. Restricted to a narrow scope or outlook; narrow-minded
  9. 13. Impossible to disprove
  10. 14. Habitually nontalkative; uncommunicative
  11. 17. Not capable of being influenced or prevented; relentless; unstoppable
  12. 18. To reject or refuse with scorn
  13. 19. To charge with an offense; blame
  14. 20. Moving or acting in a cautious, deceptive way; sneaky
  15. 21. To provide with something needed; make or have room for
  16. 23. Alarm or dread
  17. 30. To destroy or erase completely
  18. 31. Wildly silly or comical
  19. 32. Uncontrollable; unmanageable not capable of being corrected or reformed
  20. 35. To persuade with flattery; to sweet-talk
  21. 36. A person who tries to win favor through flattery
  22. 38. To deprive of strength or energy
  23. 40. Sharing an edge or a boundary
  24. 41. Smooth in manner; elegant; polished; suave
  25. 42. Feeling or expressing respect or awe
  26. 43. Attacking human vice or foolishness through irony or wit
  27. 45. Very injurious; lethal; deadly
  28. 47. Quietly resentful; bitter; irritable