English IV Review

  1. 3. Drew a sword from a stone.
  2. 5. An argument must address this
  3. 6. Savior of Herot.
  4. 9. Possessives and contractions
  5. 12. Denzell Washington says to fall in this direction.
  6. 13. Lives at Dunsinane Hill.
  7. 15. Steward or majordomo of a feudal estate.
  8. 16. Gandhi's philosophical stance.
  9. 18. A little bit of money.
  10. 19. Brene Brown called this the root of all positive emotions and creativity.
  1. 1. Who quoted from a poem "slipped the surly bonds of earth and touched the face of God"?
  2. 2. Who says, “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.”
  3. 4. Who says, "“Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.”
  4. 7. Who says, “Come, you spirits That tend on mortal thoughts! Unsex me here
  5. 8. part of the hilt of a sword
  6. 10. Mother's nickname for main character of "The Deep"
  7. 11. brave, courageous
  8. 14. The vocabulary words gorge, gruesome, lair and stalked all were associated with this monster.
  9. 16. Plot, character, pacing, and resolution are all elements of this.
  10. 17. Coordinating Conjunctions?