English Language Change and Development

  1. 2. a specific type of vocabulary and language spoken in different areas
  2. 4. the Anglo Saxon word for "bird"
  3. 5. the way someone speaks, affected by where they are from
  4. 8. how words are spoken or pronounced
  5. 11. Medieval English poet who wrote the Canterbury Tales
  6. 12. Where different words come from
  7. 13. Saxon a Germanic tribe who invaded England; the language they spoke
  8. 14. a word to describe a Medieval knight, meaning brave and fearless
  1. 1. a Middle English poem about a hero who kills a dragon
  2. 3. decorating letters and writing with pictures and images
  3. 6. ancient Roman language which has influenced English significantly
  4. 7. English playwright who was born in Stratford upon Avon
  5. 8. animal skins used for writing on, before paper was available
  6. 9. the art of handwriting
  7. 10. The accent of people who live in Newcastle