English Plus 1 | Starter Unit | Vocabulary p6

  1. 2. Have you got a blue ____ to write with?
  2. 3. I've got my books in my ____.
  3. 4. I've got a very good English-German ____.
  4. 6. I'm sitting on my ____.
  5. 7. André's ____ is between Rozin and Mila's desk.
  6. 9. The teacher needs a ____ for his laptop to do listening exercises.
  7. 10. The teacher hasn't got a desk, she's got a ____.
  8. 11. Every student has a ____ to do online exercises.
  1. 1. We stick the wordlists in our vocabulary ____.
  2. 3. The ____ is opposite the students' desks.
  3. 4. The teacher's notes and books are in the ____.
  4. 5. The ____ is near the board. It tells what time it is.
  5. 8. My ____ is hanging outside the classroom on the wall.
  6. 9. A ____ is a a flat board that is fixed to the wall for things to be placed on