English Quiz

  1. 2. Eating in the morning
  2. 4. This animal sounds "oink..oink.."
  3. 6. "Itu" in English?
  4. 8. Antonym of big
  5. 10. Animals that like to eat carrots
  6. 11. "Mendengarkan" in English?
  7. 12. "Good ... (siang)"
  8. 13. "Membaca" in English?
  9. 17. I used to write
  10. 18. "Good ... (Pagi)"
  1. 1. A mix of blue and red
  2. 3. Room used for cooking
  3. 5. This animal has a long neck
  4. 7. "Ini" in English?
  5. 8. "... is Nia (He/She)"
  6. 9. King of the Jungle
  7. 13. What season lowers the water
  8. 14. "Tumbuh" in English?
  9. 15. "... is Danu (He/She)"
  10. 16. What do cows produce?