Narrative Text

  1. 3. Story about animal
  2. 4. Cerita in English
  3. 7. the famous legend from North Sumatra
  4. 8. Verb 2 of See
  5. 9. He is cursed by his mother become stone.
  6. 10. A smart character in fable.
  7. 12. Judul in English
  8. 14. Paragraph that describe about character, setting, and time of the story.
  9. 16. Paragraph that describe about problem.
  10. 17. Ratu in English
  11. 18. Raja in English
  1. 1. Verb 2 of live
  2. 2. An imaginative story to entertain the people
  3. 4. The Queen with the seven dwarfs
  4. 5. Untuk menghibur
  5. 6. Paragraph that describe about the ending of the story.
  6. 10. Verb 2 of meet
  7. 11. Tiba-tiba/mendadak
  8. 13. The green giant in the story of Timun emas
  9. 15. Character who want to marry with his real mother.