Literacy Result (English Test)

  1. 3. amused expression
  2. 5. Likes to chase mice
  3. 6. Something used to buy or pay for?
  4. 7. a person who teaches in a school
  5. 8. Flying mammal
  6. 9. showing pleasure
  7. 12. vibration
  8. 13. Opposite word of cacat?
  9. 15. Opposite word remember
  10. 16. Polisi in English
  11. 17. Which room is used for studying?
  12. 18. Opposite word of patience?
  13. 20. Manusia in English
  1. 1. Large marsupial
  2. 2. a place where buy a bread
  3. 4. Has a trunk
  4. 8. Biru in Indonesia?
  5. 10. Meletakkan in English?
  6. 11. country has many beautiful island
  7. 13. Very large and venomous snake
  8. 14. Kota in English?
  9. 19. activity know some knowledge