English test

  1. 4. dark with clouds
  2. 6. a general increase in world temperature
  3. 7. Find the English for 'fondre'
  4. 8. sensibiliser, suscister une prise de conscience
  5. 12. Find the English for 'inondation, inonder'
  6. 13. find the English for 'atteindre'
  7. 16. Find the English for 'ruines, vestiges'
  8. 17. a synonym for 'fascinating'
  9. 18. Find the English for 'vide, désertique ou aride'(1 word)
  10. 20. to leave a place when someone is trying to catch you or stop you, or when there is a dangerous situation (verb)
  1. 1. a place where Christians can pray
  2. 2. to stay or move on the surface of a liquid without sinking
  3. 3. The English for 'catastrophe naturelle'
  4. 5. a synonym for 'massive'
  5. 9. connected with the final destruction of the world or any great destruction (adjective)
  6. 10. a synonym for 'seism'
  7. 11. Find the English for 'se tenir debout'
  8. 14. Find the English for 'paysage urbain'
  9. 15. a storm with thunder and lightning
  10. 19. an area of ice floating in the sea, that has broken off from a larger mass