- 4. Find the English word for "laboratoire". ".
- 5. When there is little or no light (adjective).
- 6. The English word for "surhumain".
- 8. Find the English word for "futuriste".
- 9. A synonym for a "seism".
- 12. About or relating to science or using its methods (adjective).
- 13. Find the English words for "génétiquement modifié".
- 16. Find the English word for "technologique".
- 17. Find the English word for "un panier".
- 18. Find a synonym for "a sickness".
- 19. Feeling no hope (adjective).
- 1. The English word for "enceinte".
- 2. A small solid piece of medicine that you swallow whole.
- 3. To continue to live after an accident, war, or illness.
- 5. Find the English words for "une séquence ADN"
- 7. Find the English word for "ruines".
- 10. A synonym for "very scared" (adjective).
- 11. A very frightening dream.
- 14. Find a synonym for "sick".
- 15. By yourself,when there is no one with you (adjective).