English Work

  1. 2. The cat with _____
  2. 3. She's _______ about the truth
  3. 7. He can't see very well, he needs _____
  4. 8. She's feel a lot, she's very _______
  5. 11. The most famous type of feline
  6. 12. My sister had a son, so now I am _____
  7. 13. The opposite of soft
  1. 1. ____ do you want coke or water?
  2. 4. He's now in the army, so he is a _______
  3. 5. My cat was in a crash car, so now is _____
  4. 6. She never wants to share her things, she's really ____
  5. 9. The opposite of smart
  6. 10. Something that's really impressive