- 5. Sat, cat and mat
- 6. The first way that winter moves
- 8. Repetition of the same consonant sound in nearby words
- 9. W H ----- (wrote "Funeral Blues")
- 11. "highway of ------" (metaphor from Dylan's poem)
- 15. Sang "To make you feel my love"
- 17. Repetition of "S" sounds in nearby words
- 18. Repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words
- 21. "stop all the ------" (from Funeral Blues)
- 22. A 14-line poem popularised by Shakespeare
- 23. "I thought love would last forever. I was -----"
- 1. at winter's back was -----
- 2. giving human characteristics to non-human things
- 3. Exaggeration for effect
- 4. Speaking of one thing in terms of another
- 7. 17 syllables over three lines
- 10. Bob ----- (wrote "To make you feel my love")
- 11. The third way winter moves
- 12. a comparison using "like" or "as"
- 13. ------ Lear - Made limericks popular
- 14. Judith -------- (wrote the poem "Winter")
- 16. The second way winter moves
- 19. A verse in poetry
- 20. "let traffic policemen wear black ------ gloves"