
  1. 2. A begining of a word
  2. 4. A prison or a fortress
  3. 7. A british rock group
  4. 8. The first race that had formed the first kingdom
  5. 12. A base form of a verb
  6. 13. The ancestry of English
  7. 15. A red bus
  8. 16. A monarch
  9. 19. Uses when someone wants to enhance a meaning
  10. 20. Not standart sequence in a sentence
  11. 21. A course or a thing
  1. 1. A "king" pronounce
  2. 3. His day is the 5th of November
  3. 5. A different form of verbs uses to express different period of time
  4. 6. A focus is on an action
  5. 9. A king and his knights
  6. 10. A subway in England
  7. 11. A popular author
  8. 14. A case of words
  9. 17. A noun form of a verb
  10. 18. A popular detective