
  1. 3. given to daydreaming or reverie
  2. 6. poised, steady, being in harmonious or proper arrangement or adjustment, proportion, etc.
  3. 8. characterized by seclusion, solitary
  4. 10. bold, brave, intrepid
  5. 12. of grave or somber disposition, character, or manner
  6. 16. expressive, using language easily and fluently, having facility with words
  7. 18. having a strong desire to compete or to succeed, vying
  8. 20. mentally bright, having sharp or quick intelligence, able
  9. 23. utopian
  10. 25. characterized by or proceeding from a sense of superiority, self-importance, or entitlement, presumptuous, haughty, imperious, brazen
  11. 26. animated, lively, cheerful
  12. 27. free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions
  13. 28. realistic confidence in one's own judgment, ability, power, etc.
  14. 29. cognizant, conscious
  15. 30. susceptible, aware of and responsive to the feelings of others
  16. 31. devoted, faithful, wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal
  17. 32. being free of or relieved from tension or anxiety
  1. 1. coherent, consistent
  2. 2. formal or self-restrained in manner and relationship
  3. 4. eagerly desirous of achieving or obtaining success, aspiring, enterprising
  4. 5. prudent, astute, considerate, considerate, pensive
  5. 7. resolute, staunch
  6. 9. active, vigorous
  7. 11. investigative, skilled in or habitually using analysis
  8. 13. purposeful, resolute, steadfast
  9. 14. resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc., imaginative
  10. 15. eager,zealous, ardent
  11. 16. lost in thought, forgetful, distracted, withdrawn
  12. 17. something that is unusual, peculiar, or odd
  13. 19. taking or showing extreme care about minute details, precise, thorough
  14. 21. being, pertaining to, or resembling an obsession
  15. 22. amusingly clever in perception and expression
  16. 24. bashful, easily frightened away, timid
  17. 33. being under compulsion, as to succeed or excel