- 4. investigative, skilled in or habitually using analysis
- 5. being, pertaining to, or resembling an obsession
- 7. expressive, using language easily and fluently, having facility with words
- 8. taking or showing extreme care about minute details, precise, thorough
- 10. prudent, astute, considerate, considerate, pensive
- 12. having a strong desire to compete or to succeed, vying
- 14. realistic confidence in one's own judgment, ability, power, etc.
- 18. purposeful, resolute, steadfast
- 20. active, vigorous
- 22. utopian
- 23. eagerly desirous of achieving or obtaining success, aspiring, enterprising
- 24. given to daydreaming or reverie
- 27. resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc., imaginative
- 29. cognizant, conscious
- 31. being free of or relieved from tension or anxiety
- 32. bold, brave, intrepid
- 33. mentally bright, having sharp or quick intelligence, able
- 1. coherent, consistent
- 2. characterized by or proceeding from a sense of superiority, self-importance, or entitlement, presumptuous, haughty, imperious, brazen
- 3. animated, lively, cheerful
- 4. lost in thought, forgetful, distracted, withdrawn
- 6. eager,zealous, ardent
- 9. bashful, easily frightened away, timid
- 11. characterized by seclusion, solitary
- 13. devoted, faithful, wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal
- 15. being under compulsion, as to succeed or excel
- 16. amusingly clever in perception and expression
- 17. susceptible, aware of and responsive to the feelings of others
- 19. resolute, staunch
- 21. something that is unusual, peculiar, or odd
- 25. formal or self-restrained in manner and relationship
- 26. of grave or somber disposition, character, or manner
- 28. free from vanity, egotism, boastfulness, or great pretensions
- 30. poised, steady, being in harmonious or proper arrangement or adjustment, proportion, etc.