- 3. I grow crops for you.
- 5. What was the color of the sky when the sun was out?
- 7. Being well and not ill
- 13. What do I have every day with soap and water?
- 14. The day we were born
- 16. To break food into smaller pieces with our teeth
- 18. I am the head of the school
- 20. I teach children how to read and write.
- 22. A place in school where children can eat food
- 23. I become a tree when you hide me under the earth.
- 26. Animals that are kept as friends at home
- 28. A small plant with soft stem
- 29. Mona’s mother is a _ _ _ _ _ _
- 30. We use this organ to eat and speak
- 32. Who brings letter?
- 34. I protect your school and buildings
- 36. I protect you from thieves
- 37. Rain makes the tree.
- 42. A place where children go to study
- 43. What does a carpenter make?
- 1. The tree is big, the flowers are _ _ _ _ _
- 2. A big and tall plant with thick and strong stem
- 3. We live together with our parents as a
- 4. Kind and Helpful
- 6. Father and Mother
- 7. A place we go to when we are sick
- 8. Something that we like the most of all
- 9. A place to play
- 10. Who heard the bird sing?
- 11. One’s own brothers and sisters
- 12. Who tells stories to Mona?
- 15. The children saw the little spider spin her first _ _ _
- 16. A plant with a weak stem that grows along the ground
- 17. You hold a pencil with my help
- 19. I am very small living thing and I make you sick
- 20. What do I brush everyday?
- 21. Being friendly and good to others
- 22. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your nails when they grow long
- 24. What did grandfather give Cheenu?
- 25. Where does an astronaut go to?
- 27. How many people are there in Mona’s family?
- 31. What does a plumber mend? Water comes out of it.
- 33. Not Ordinary, important for a reason
- 35. Who were running to and fro?
- 37. Animals that live in forests
- 38. I fly airplanes.
- 39. A small plant with woody stems
- 40. In Mona’s family, who asks a lot of questions?
- 41. I am one of the five. I am found at the end of the foot