
  1. 2. A part ofthe body - head
  2. 4. A crawling animal
  3. 5. Part of the body
  4. 10. A slow ninja animal
  5. 11. A fruit
  6. 14. Part of the arms
  7. 16. Something you eat for breakfast
  8. 17. The place you live in
  9. 19. Something you put on your hands
  10. 20. An insect
  11. 21. An animal
  12. 22. A pet
  13. 23. A colour
  14. 24. An Easter animal
  15. 25. Something on your head
  16. 26. Something you put on when you leave your house
  17. 28. Something you put on your feet
  18. 31. The colour of the leaves
  19. 33. The king of the animals
  20. 35. The colour of the trees
  21. 36. Something you learn and read from
  22. 37. Some kind of furniture
  1. 1. The wife of the king
  2. 3. Another pet
  3. 4. A piece of clothing for girls
  4. 6. A part of the face
  5. 7. Trousers
  6. 8. Another colour
  7. 9. A piece of clothing
  8. 12. Part of the face
  9. 13. Something you put your books in
  10. 15. The hottest season
  11. 17. A part of the body
  12. 18. Something you write in
  13. 19. A very tall animal
  14. 23. A bird
  15. 27. One of the seasons
  16. 28. A colour
  17. 29. A piece of clothing
  18. 30. An African animal in black and white
  19. 32. A green jumping animal
  20. 34. A piece of clothing you put on your feet
  21. 35. The colour of the sky