
  1. 3. someone who lives next to you
  2. 5. to teach someone or pay someone
  3. 9. to know,think or believe that something is necessary
  4. 14. a set of cheques in a paper cover that have not been used
  5. 15. an account where you keep money to save
  6. 16. to let someone borrow something you have
  7. 17. to use something that belongs to another person and return it later
  8. 19. a kind of shellfish with a shell that produces a jewel
  1. 1. an agry conversation
  2. 2. an amount of money you need to pay
  3. 4. an agreement with a bank to keep your money
  4. 6. made by people and so not natural
  5. 7. worth a lot of money
  6. 8. as shown by something
  7. 10. a small plastic card you can use to buy things and pay for them later
  8. 11. a reduction in the usual price
  9. 12. a written promise to repair or replace a machine
  10. 13. money you borrow
  11. 17. in the lowest place or position
  12. 18. to be successful in a competition