
  1. 3. Humorous character
  2. 6. Similar grammatical structures expressing related ideas.
  3. 7. 19th line poetic form consisting of 5 letters
  4. 8. Orginal pattern or model
  5. 9. Protagonist of a tragedy
  6. 12. Poetry from Italy
  7. 13. Relationship to relately
  8. 16. Underhand plot
  9. 17. Convery a meaning that is the opposite of its lateral meaning
  10. 18. Pairs of lines of meter
  1. 1. Implied or indirect reference
  2. 2. Dramatic device in which a character speaks to the audience
  3. 4. Questions that are intended to have obvious answers and are asked for effort
  4. 5. Story that includes fantasy characters
  5. 6. Leading character
  6. 10. Repetition of similar sounds into two or more words
  7. 11. Unrhymed iambic pentameter
  8. 14. Ordered alternation of strong and weak elements
  9. 15. When a character talks to himself
  10. 19. Ordinary form of spoken or written