Enjoy Life Forever - Section 3 Review

  1. 3. Work should never become more important than our _______ of Jehovah. (L37)
  2. 6. We should try to remain _______ and take care of our lives (L38)
  3. 8. The other component of blood that starts with "P" (L39)
  4. 9. We should be free of the love of _____ (Hebrews 13:5)
  5. 11. We need to train this to make good decisions (L35
  6. 12. Jehovah wants us to ____ hard and be satisfied (L37)
  7. 16. They're not rules but these will guide us from the Bible (L35)
  8. 20. This should not hold is back from getting baptized
  9. 24. How do we show Jehovah we love him? (L34)
  10. 26. If we choose to drink alchol, we need to do so in ____. (L43)
  11. 27. The life of every living thing is in this (L39)
  12. 29. Jehovah hates sexual ________. (L41)
  13. 30. Be ____ and don't take unnecessary risks (L38)
  1. 1. This gift can lead to many opportunities. (L42)
  2. 2. When we are no part of this world, we are being ____ (L45)
  3. 3. These kind of cells help with healing (L39)
  4. 4. He will always take care of us. (L37)
  5. 5. We need to think about our choices before we make a ________ (L35)
  6. 7. We need try to be physically and _______ clean. (L40)
  7. 9. If we choose to become married, we need to pick the right ____. (L42)
  8. 10. Jehovah sees the development of even the ______ child. (L38)
  9. 13. Jehovah will guide us in the way we should ____. (L35, Isaiah 48:17)
  10. 14. Do your actions matter to Jehovah? (L34)
  11. 15. We should try to be ______ in all things (L36)
  12. 17. We should work on building this quality instead of pursuing riches (L37)
  13. 18. "Love what Jehovah loves and ____ what Jehovah hates (L34)
  14. 19. We do this before getting baptized (L46)
  15. 21. Honesty builds strong _____________. (L36)
  16. 22. Do all celebrations please Jehovah? (L44)
  17. 23. The last kind of cells that is a main component of blood (L39)
  18. 25. One component of blood that starts with "P" (L39)
  19. 28. This is a public demonstration of our commitment to Jehovah (L46)