
  1. 3. A german astronomer best known for his laws of planetary motion, and his books. He stated planets moved around the sun in an elliptical orbit.
  2. 5. He was an outspoken French philosopher who attacked the injustice between nobility, the government, and the church and fought for justice.
  3. 6. A tool that astronomers used to see objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
  4. 9. An english writer who demanded equal rights for women.
  5. 10. A man who believed people are reasonable, but power corrupts them.
  6. 13. An english philosopher who believed that all knowledge is gained from sensory experience.
  7. 14. A theory where the sun is the center of the solar system.
  8. 16. A tool that astronomers used in order to see faraway objects.
  9. 19. A man considered the father of modern criminal law and the father of criminal
  10. 20. A series of events that marked the emergence of modern science during the early modern period.
  11. 21. A man who believed people are selfish and greedy which is why an authoritarian government is needed to impose order.
  12. 22. A french philosopher who made connections between geometry and algebra on new levels.
  1. 1. A man who believed people are born good, but society corrupts them; people are born equal.
  2. 2. An english surgeon and discoverer of the vaccination for smallpox. He also created the first vaccine.
  3. 4. An italian astronomer who had many telescope discoveries.
  4. 7. Public intellectuals who applied reason to the study of many areas of learning.
  5. 8. An unofficial aggreement shared by everyone in a society in which they give up some freedom for security.
  6. 11. Author who is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientist of all time and created many things we use today such as the refracting telescope.
  7. 12. A theory where the earth is the center of the solar system.
  8. 15. First Polish astronomer who formed the idea that Earth and other planets revolve around sun.
  9. 17. An english philosopher who popularized and discovered the scientific method.
  10. 18. social gatherings that brought together philosophers, artist, scientists, and writers to discuss their ideas.
  11. 19. First modern chemist who helped to form chemistry as we use it today.