
  1. 2. -wanted more separate power in the government
  2. 3. - made the "I think, therefore I am" saying
  3. 6. - created the vaccine for the smallpox
  4. 7. - Known as the father of chemistry
  5. 8. - The scientist that made the telescope
  6. 10. -the main contract that was used at this time to explain what they wanted the government to do and to be
  7. 14. - The mathematic who proved more of Copernicus's theory
  8. 16. - the philosopher the thought everyone would give up their freedom to the government
  9. 17. - MAde the Two Treatises of Government
  10. 20. - made by the scientist galileo
  11. 21. -supported women's rights and was one of the first to support it
  12. 22. - Developed the scientific method
  1. 1. - The theory that the Earth is the center of the universe
  2. 4. - a series of events that helped bring out modern science
  3. 5. -the philosopher that created the heliocentric theory
  4. 9. - was known for using satire in his books and in his life
  5. 11. - The scientist that made the laws for gravity
  6. 12. - another word for philosopher
  7. 13. - The theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  8. 15. - a place for men and women to talk
  9. 18. - a scientific instrument that can see things at a micro size.
  10. 19. - made the social contract
  11. 22. - stopped torture for punishment