
  1. 1. to start or establish something new
  2. 3. not allowing personal freedom
  3. 4. A document that states laws which protect citizens rights
  4. 8. A system where the king and queen can do whatever they can
  5. 10. representitive
  6. 13. a person who always sees negative things
  7. 14. a type of christian church
  8. 16. love of wisdom
  1. 2. rights the rights of people that cannot be taken away by anybody
  2. 5. the ability to understand logic
  3. 6. to get something right from its source
  4. 7. Math that is hard and deals with change
  5. 9. a government where the king and queen cannot control the parliment
  6. 10. a ambassador from a government
  7. 11. the act of agreeing with widespread changes
  8. 12. the act of removing harmful media
  9. 15. a desease with spreads to many people in a certain region; COVID-19