
  1. 3. two treatises of government
  2. 4. informal social gatherings
  3. 5. restriction to new ideas
  4. 7. despots who used their power to bring about change
  5. 10. huge, colorful, full of excitment
  6. 12. agreement to be governed
  7. 14. spirit of laws
  8. 16. religious works, sonatas for violins
  9. 17. enlightenment thinkers
  10. 19. most celebrated work-messiah
  11. 20. adam smith
  1. 1. vindication of the rights of women
  2. 2. belonged to all humans
  3. 6. the critique of pure reason
  4. 8. thomas hobbes
  5. 9. marriage of figaro
  6. 11. light, elegant, charming
  7. 13. voltaire exposes french society
  8. 15. denis diderot
  9. 18. rules discoverable by reason