
  1. 2. helped advance the approach of the scientific method
  2. 7. favored the idea of self-government
  3. 10. founder of modern chemistry
  4. 11. replaced neoclassicism
  5. 13. wanted women to have equal rights
  6. 15. developed the smallpox vaccine
  7. 16. a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas
  8. 19. conclude center mathematical laws govern planetary motion
  9. 22. the sun Is the center of our universe
  1. 1. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  2. 3. purposed the sun as the center of the universe
  3. 4. thought we needed absolute monarchs
  4. 5. the earth is the center of our universe
  5. 6. believed in the social contract
  6. 8. believed power should be checked
  7. 9. place people would meet after social gatherings
  8. 12. used the microscope to see blood cells
  9. 14. created laws of gravity and motion
  10. 17. freedom of religious belief and speech
  11. 18. helped advance the approach of the scientific method
  12. 20. was rejected for neoclassicism
  13. 21. perfected the telescope