
  1. 1. social contract, people should give up their rights to an absolute ruler to gain law and order and the decisions of the ruler should be in the peoples best interest.
  2. 4. these were the people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment.
  3. 9. the theory that the earth is the center of the solar system.
  4. 10. created laws of universal gravity and laws of motion.
  5. 11. perfected the telescope and used it to prove the heliocentric theory
  6. 14. a style of art characterized by dull colors and strong lines. Often depicted battle scenes and were more realistic.
  7. 16. a style of art that was characterized by soft lines and colors. depicted happy scenes with wealthy aristocrats.
  8. 17. developed analytical geometry and lead the way for modern scientific methods.
  1. 2. parties where people met to discuss new ideas.
  2. 3. the theory that the sun is the center of the solar system.
  3. 5. a logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas.
  4. 6. used a microscope to study microorganisms, like bacteria from tooth gaps.
  5. 7. he's considered the father of modern chemistry.
  6. 8. created a vaccine to prevent smallpox, it was the first vaccine in the world.
  7. 12. used mathematics to prove the heliocentric theory.
  8. 13. created the experimental method and lead the way for modern scientific methods.
  9. 15. the astronomer who came up with the heliocentric theory.