
  1. 3. Philospiher from the united kingdom and was the founder of modern chemistry
  2. 6. Earth is the center of the universe
  3. 7. Philosopher from the United Kingdom who created the vaccine for smallpox
  4. 8. a painting with soft lines
  5. 12. established branches of government and checks and balances
  6. 13. proved that the sun was the center of the universe using math
  7. 14. The people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  8. 17. french philosopher who created analytical geometry
  9. 18. connected with the social contract and thought people were wicked
  10. 21. Parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  11. 22. she fought on behalf of women rights
  12. 23. steps used to find the scientific answer of an experiment
  13. 24. Polish philosopher created the heliocentric theory
  14. 25. Sun is the center of the universe
  1. 1. A philosopher who researched gravitational forces
  2. 2. he thought he should assign different punishments for different crimes
  3. 4. a person who rules with abusing power
  4. 5. a painting with rough lines, usually of war
  5. 9. his book was the social contract and he thought the only good government was one that was freely formed by the people and guided by the general will
  6. 10. agreement between the governing and the governed
  7. 11. philosopher from the Netherlands and used a microscope to look at blood cells and molecules
  8. 15. believed all people were born with three natural rights. he thinks people have the right to overthrow the government
  9. 16. wrote the book Candide and fought for the freedom of speech and religion
  10. 19. played a big role in creating the scientific method (imperisisom)
  11. 20. Italian philosopher who built telescopes and studied planets