
  1. 1. - king of the united kingdom
  2. 3. - right of kings - kings and queens got their right to rule because they were chosen by the god
  3. 6. - national razar
  4. 8. - happened in boston
  5. 9. - 1789 in europe
  6. 12. - 1775 of america
  7. 13. - king of france
  8. 15. - lead, paper, glass, paint, tea
  1. 2. - age of reason
  2. 4. - of the enlightenment -helped start the american and french revolutions
  3. 5. - queen of france
  4. 7. - the natural rights philosophy
  5. 10. - dictator
  6. 11. - jacque rausseau -believed people shoud have a social contract
  7. 14. - tax of sugar