
  1. 1. American Philosophe
  2. 4. where did the Enlightenment start
  3. 6. vs british
  4. 8. of 1793 boundries set between colonists and
  5. 10. when did the Enlightenment begin
  6. 12. prison that was raided
  7. 15. where did locke think a government wasformed
  8. 16. americans
  1. 2. who forced a peace treaty with France
  2. 3. a group of colonists
  3. 5. what caused peasants to riot
  4. 7. Last battle of the revolution
  5. 9. Where did King Louis live
  6. 11. what groups had a major role
  7. 13. How many estates were there in France
  8. 14. that taxed printed goods