
  1. 6. Separate Church & State, free speech
  2. 8. 3 Branches of Government
  3. 10. Freedoms belonging to all humans from birth
  4. 11. Natural rights- life, liberty, property
  5. 13. Physiocrat, Enlightened thinker who worried about the economy
  6. 14. Lovers of wisdom
  1. 1. People have ultimate power
  2. 2. Focused on economic reforms
  3. 3. An agreement made by people in which they give up something for an organized Society.
  4. 4. These govern Human Character
  5. 5. Thought people were cruel, greedy, selfish.
  6. 7. Complete power
  7. 9. Ability to think logically
  8. 12. Knowledge