
  1. 2. developed chemistry
  2. 4. invented the telescope
  3. 8. developed analytical geometry
  4. 10. proposed the heliocentric theory
  5. 11. Earth is the center of the solar system
  6. 15. style of art characterized by dull colors and sharp lines
  7. 17. advanced the scientific theory
  8. 19. discovered gravity
  9. 20. to know something you didn't before
  1. 1. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  2. 3. wrote the social contract
  3. 5. observed bacteria in the microscope
  4. 6. Sun is the center of the solar system
  5. 7. proved heliocentric theory
  6. 9. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  7. 12. art characterized by soft lines and colors
  8. 13. a person who rules with absolute power
  9. 14. the book hobbes wrote
  10. 16. invented the microscope
  11. 18. proposed the freedom of religion and speech