
  1. 4. The laws of motion
  2. 5. the planets orbit around the sun
  3. 8. womans equality
  4. 9. the spirit of laws
  5. 11. two treaties on government
  6. 12. leviathan
  7. 14. a person who rules with absolute power
  8. 16. Theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  9. 17. A system in which multiple groups share decision making power
  10. 20. encouraged the use of the scientific method
  11. 21. founder of chemistry
  12. 22. smallpox vaccine
  13. 23. the social contract
  1. 1. The planets revolve around the sun
  2. 2. The telescope
  3. 3. To know something one did not know before
  4. 6. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the enlightenment
  5. 7. Used the microscope to discover there are small living things that we cant see with the naked eye
  6. 10. Theory that the earth is the center of the solar system
  7. 13. connected algebra and geometry
  8. 15. candide
  9. 18. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  10. 19. on crimes and punishments