
  1. 2. a style characterized by dull color and strong lines
  2. 4. the theory that the sun is the center of the solar system
  3. 6. the people who presented new ways of thinking during the Enlightenment
  4. 8. a person who rules with absolute power
  5. 9. a system in which multiple groups share decision making power
  6. 12. a theory that there is an agreement between the governing and the governed
  7. 13. a style of art characterized by soft lines and colors
  8. 17. Rousseau wrote the book called...
  9. 19. believed that people were naturally good and they were corrupt
  10. 20. parties where people met to discuss new ideas
  1. 1. believed that everybody should have freedom of thought and expression
  2. 3. believed in women equality
  3. 5. believed that laws exist to preserve social order not to average crimes
  4. 7. the theory that the earth is the center of the solar system
  5. 10. believed that you can't have one person or small group controlling the government
  6. 11. believed that all humans are selfish and wicked
  7. 14. Hobbes wrote a book called...
  8. 15. to know something one did not know before
  9. 16. voltaire wrote the book called...
  10. 18. believed that people could learn from experiences and improve themselves