
  1. 3. What part of the world did the Enlightenment begin?
  2. 5. The idea that a country's leader should big chosen by Citizens in a general election
  3. 6. Some enlightenment thinkers were afraid of this
  4. 9. Life, Liberty, and Property.
  5. 13. Belief that the truth can be determined solely by logical thinking
  6. 16. System of government in which the ruler determines policy without consulting either the people
  7. 17. Enlightened thinkers believed truth could be discovered through reason or logical thinking.
  8. 19. Period in the 1700s when philosophers believed that they could apply the scientific method and use reason to explain human nature logically.
  9. 20. when did enlightenment start
  1. 1. Wrote "The Social Contract"
  2. 2. Wrote "Candide"
  3. 4. Believed in Separation of Powers and Check and Balances
  4. 7. Natural law are the conditions that govern human behavior.
  5. 8. Famous city were people discussed ideas
  6. 10. wrote "Second (Two) Treaties of Government"
  7. 11. wrote "Leviathan"
  8. 12. The agreement by which people define and limit their individual rights thus creating an organised society or government
  9. 14. American document that recognize natural rights
  10. 15. They were the intellectuals of the 18th century enlightenment.
  11. 18. of the governed