
  1. 1. Someone with extreme views
  2. 6. Change with the goal of improvement
  3. 8. Says that opinions and actions should be based on reason
  4. 11. Championed individualism and equality
  5. 14. One of a group of social thinkers
  6. 15. Unwillingness to accept the views of others
  7. 16. Event that has a goal to overthrow a government
  8. 17. Formal and legally binding agreement
  9. 18. The concept of being independent and self reliant
  10. 20. Believed in tolerance, reason, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech
  1. 2. Drawing, painting, acting, and singing are all forms of this
  2. 3. Someone who is often the opposite of a radical
  3. 4. Introduced the idea of separation of powers
  4. 5. Introduced the idea of a social contract
  5. 7. European intellectual movement
  6. 9. Ex. king, queen, emperor
  7. 10. Age of...
  8. 12. Based on methods and principles of science
  9. 13. Advocate for educational and social equality for women
  10. 19. Said that people are born with natural rights