
  1. 4. English philosopher, scientist, and historian, best known for his political philosophy
  2. 5. a collectively held will that aims at the common good or common interest.
  3. 7. French political philosopher who proposed a government divided into three branches and greatly influenced the United States Constitution.
  4. 8. british writer who advocated for greater opportunities for women and urged them to enter the fields of medicine and politics
  5. 13. belief that truth could be found through reason or logical thinking
  6. 15. 18th century monarch inspired by enlightenment ideas to rule justly and respect the rights of subjects
  7. 16. one of a group of social thinkers in France during the Enlightenment
  8. 19. person with total and complete control of a country.
  9. 20. the right of a sovereign to rule as set forth by the theory of government that holds that a monarch receives the right to rule directly from God and not from the people.
  1. 1. Swiss-French political philosopher who championed the freedom of the individual and the notion that all people were equal
  2. 2. czarina of russia from 1762-1796
  3. 3. English philosopher and founder of British empiricism; he developed political and economic theories during the Enlightenment.
  4. 6. division of the legislative, executive, and judicial functions of government among separate and independent bodies
  5. 9. the idea that a government's legitimacy and moral right to use state power is justified and lawful only when consented to by the people being governed
  6. 10. French man of letters and philosopher who, from 1745 to 1772, served as chief editor of the Encyclopédie, one of the principal works of the Age of Enlightenment.
  7. 11. rights granted to all people by nature or God that cannot be denied or restricted by any government or individual
  8. 12. French philosopher and author who believed in tolerance, reason, freedom of religious belief, and freedom of speech
  9. 14. agreement by which people define and limit their individual rights, thus creating an organized society or government
  10. 17. social gathering of intellectuals and artist
  11. 18. king of Prussia from 1740 to 1786 that committed himself to reforming Prussia