
  1. 4. People are born with natural rights/People have the right to overthrow the government
  2. 7. John Locke believed in this
  3. 9. Heart of the Enlightenment
  4. 12. Incorporated Enlightenment ideas/ People’s ideas influenced these
  1. 1. Thomas Jefferson/ Wrote in 1776
  2. 2. Montesquieu believed in this
  3. 3. Life, Liberty, and Property
  4. 5. Separations between the government/ Wrote Wrote On the Spirit of Laws
  5. 6. Legislative, Executive, and Judicial
  6. 8. “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.”/ Wrote The Social Contract
  7. 10. Wrote Leviathan/ Absolute Monarchy
  8. 11. Religious toleration/Wrote Candide