
  1. 2. English philosophe who wrote the leviathan
  2. 3. sent to bastille prison
  3. 5. Believed that Jewish would stop being persecuted
  4. 7. Age of reason
  5. 10. First servant of the state
  6. 11. English physicist whose name is a food
  7. 12. Wrote the edict tollerance
  8. 14. Married Peter III
  9. 15. Improved the microscope and discovered microorganisms
  10. 17. German Astrologist who theorized about planetary motion
  11. 18. theory that the earth is the center of the universe
  12. 20. English philosophe who wrote the two treatises of government
  1. 1. Wrote the vindication of women's rights
  2. 4. French philosophe who believed in checks and balances
  3. 6. Mathematician who invented analytical geometry
  4. 8. theory that the sun is the center of the universe
  5. 9. Swiss philosophe who wrote the social contract
  6. 13. english pharmacist who created the small pox vaccine
  7. 16. Italian astronomer who built his own telescope
  8. 19. English physicist who made the three laws of motion