
  1. 2. type of government with a king/queen
  2. 4. philosopher who argued for a "social contract" aka consent of the governed
  3. 5. philosopher who argued for life, liberty and land (property)
  4. 6. the process of making an area more city-like, usually through an increase in population
  5. 9. person who thinks about, questions, and studies the nature of life, truth, knowledge and other important human matters
  6. 11. invention that caused the spread of ideas
  7. 14. philosopher who argued for separation of power in the govt (three branches)
  8. 15. document full of arguments against the Catholic Church
  9. 17. philosopher who argued for freedom of speech
  10. 18. ____ of Spain; absolute monarch of Spain
  1. 1. document full of arguments against the Catholic Church
  2. 2. leader of the Protestant Reformation; wrote 95 Theses
  3. 3. philosopher who argued for the rights of women
  4. 7. ruler with total and complete power
  5. 8. ____ the 14th, absolute monarch of France; also known as the "sun king"
  6. 10. ____ the Great; absolute monarch of Russia
  7. 12. Locke claims that everyone should have these ____ rights; aka life, liberty and property
  8. 13. institution that had power in the Middle Ages
  9. 16. the ability to read and write