Enlightenment and Revolution 1500-1800

  1. 2. earth-centered view of the universe
  2. 5. author of Independence declaration
  3. 8. measures to prevent domination
  4. 9. rulers with Enlightened spirit
  5. 13. belief that reagards reasoning
  6. 16. large drawing rooms
  7. 18. main artistic style of late 1700s
  8. 19. sun-centered theory
  9. 20. logical procedure
  1. 1. agreement for a new governement
  2. 3. french philosopher and author
  3. 4. social critics of enlightenment
  4. 6. national, government power divison
  5. 7. rebirth of learning and the arts
  6. 10. new way of thinking
  7. 11. held a positive view of human nature
  8. 12. the ten amendments for basic rights
  9. 14. Greek philosopher of 4th century BC
  10. 15. style of a grand, ornate design
  11. 17. large set of books