Enlightenment Crossword

  1. 5. A form of government in which the monarch’s power is limited by a basic set of laws
  2. 7. An economic system based on investment of money for profit
  3. 11. The division of powers among branches of government
  4. 15. philosophe who advocated for religious tolerance and freedom of speech
  5. 17. first country formed on the basis of Enlightenment ideals
  6. 18. ancient society that developed a government with separation of powers as a means to prevent despotism
  7. 20. Voltaire considered freedom of ___ to be one of the most important individual rights
  8. 22. A monarchy in which the ruler’s power is unlimited
  9. 24. Voltaire and Emilie de Chatelet explained ___'s ideas in a way that the general population could understand
  10. 25. induvtive reasoning; the scientific method
  1. 1. the form of government adopted by the United States of America
  2. 2. Renaissance idea that places importance on study of the humanities, human achievement, and individual rights
  3. 3. philosophe who beleived in the categorical imperitive - a rational system for ethical behavior that could be used by anyone and apply to all siturations
  4. 4. while mercantilism believes in pursuing a positive balance of trade, capitalism believes in ___ trade
  5. 6. The acceptance of different religious beliefs and customs
  6. 8. philosophe who advocated for separation of powers
  7. 9. Rights that belong to people “by nature,” simply because they are human beings
  8. 10. An agreement in which people give power to a government in exchange for its protection
  9. 12. the philosophe whos ideas heavily influenced capitalism
  10. 13. philosophe who wrote the declaration of independence
  11. 14. capitalism is a ___ economy
  12. 16. Anything relating to ancient Greece or Rome
  13. 19. The principle that independent beings must be treated equally by the law
  14. 21. deductive reasoning
  15. 23. the philosophe whose ideas on government (natural rights, equality before law, social contract) laid the foundation for the Enlightenment