Enlightenment Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. Most salons were organized by ___.
  2. 5. In 1689, the English set down a new set of rules called the English ___.
  3. 7. He wrote Two Treatises of Government in 1690.
  4. 8. believed people are naturally selfish, cruel, and greedy.
  5. 11. This founding document of the US was influenced by the Englightenment
  6. 13. Enlightenment thinkers rejected this
  7. 15. Locke was in favor of ____.
  8. 16. Enlightenment thinkers believed humans were capable of discovering ___ for themselves.
  1. 1. The Enlightenment grew out of the Renaissance, Reformation, and the ____.
  2. 2. Wrote the Spirit of the Law
  3. 3. Another name for the Enlightenment (slide 1)
  4. 6. were created to protect people from their own selfishness.
  5. 9. Philosophers often gathered in informal meetings, called ____.
  6. 10. “I think, therefore I am.”
  7. 12. Book written by Hobbes
  8. 14. Enlightenment thinkers also felt that ____ should have a say in their government.