Enlightenment Era

  1. 1. Political leader who wrote the Declaration of Independence.
  2. 4. She wrote the classic novel Frankenstein.
  3. 6. Set of books to which many scholars of Europe contributed articles and essays.
  4. 7. Russian ruler admired by philosophes.
  5. 10. Name of the ten amendments added to the Constitution.
  6. 12. Creator of the law of gravity.
  7. 13. Social gatherings where scientists, philosphers, and other intellecutals discussed ideas.
  8. 14. Type of music that emerged in the Enlightenment Era.
  9. 18. Creator of the geocentric theory.
  10. 19. Creator of the heliocentric theory.
  1. 2. Theory that states that the stars and planets move around the sun.
  2. 3. Name of the novel written by Samuel Richardson. Considered the true first English novel.
  3. 5. A logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas.
  4. 8. He created the Encyclopedia.
  5. 9. Artistic style of the late 1700s.
  6. 11. Name of monarchs who embraced the new ideas of the Enlightenment spirit.
  7. 13. Agreement by which people created a government.
  8. 15. Theory that says that the moon, sun, and planets move around the Earth.
  9. 16. He believed that humans were born with three natural human rights--life, liberty, and property.
  10. 17. Philosopher who argued that torture should be abolished.