Enlightenment Review - A

  1. 1. this event helped spur on the Enlightenment
  2. 7. Diderot compiled human knowledge into this work
  3. 10. analyzed economic systems and believed in laissez-faire economics
  4. 11. demanded equal rights for women, especially in education
  5. 12. exciting time of optimism and possibility from the late 1600s to the late 1700s when reason was thought to solve problems of the human condition
  6. 13. the Enlightenment was also called this
  7. 16. Enlightenment ideas spread and caused reforms and also __
  8. 18. Locke thought the purpose of government was to ___ people's natural rights
  9. 19. attacked injustice wherever he saw it
  10. 21. "leave alone" in French
  11. 23. During the Enlightenment, European thinkers began looking for ways to apply __ in order to improve the human condition
  1. 2. separation of powers helped develop the system of ___ __ ___
  2. 3. laissez-faire system is an economic system that works without ____ regulation
  3. 4. the idea that people in a society should agree to give up some freedoms to a strong leader in exchange for the peace, safety, and order that government could provide
  4. 5. the type of government Hobbes thought best
  5. 6. believed government should work for the benefit of the common good, not for the wealthy few
  6. 8. center of Enlightenment activity
  7. 9. thought people were selfish and greedy
  8. 14. Locke believed that if a government failed to protect its citizens, they had the right to ___ it
  9. 15. believed people were naturally happy, tolerant, and reasonable
  10. 17. Rousseau believed people were born good but were corrupted by ___
  11. 20. Hobbes believed people needed governments to impose __
  12. 22. gatherings where people came together to discuss their ideas