Enlightenment Romanticism Macbeth 2

  1. 4. 'the sleep of reason produces monsters'
  2. 9. used sherzo and rubato in her music
  3. 11. Mary Wollstonecraft's book
  4. 12. son of Banquo, supposed ancestor of James I
  5. 14. ghost appears at Macbeth's banquet
  6. 15. thought government's role is to prevent chaos
  1. 1. 'boys like drums and girls like dolls'
  2. 2. his landscape paintings aimed for the sublime
  3. 3. asks spirits to 'unsex' her
  4. 5. 'too full of the milk of human kindness' according to some
  5. 6. Latin for: I think therefore I am
  6. 7. fair is foul and foul is fair
  7. 8. Romantic concept of art that transports you
  8. 10. said your body is your property
  9. 13. heir to Duncan's throne