
  1. 4. A composer during the late 1700s
  2. 5. A philosopher mainly known for his famous rights of man
  3. 7. Having the earth as the center of the universe
  4. 8. A mathematician/engineer who made the telescope and discovered things we dint know.
  5. 11. a European intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries emphasizing reason and individualism
  6. 12. A philosopher of the 1800s
  7. 13. A philosopher of the 15-1600s
  8. 15. A mathematician who was an important role in the scientific revolution
  1. 1. Having the sun as the center of the universe
  2. 2. the procedure we have used since the 17th century
  3. 3. a belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response.
  4. 6. One of the first people to propose that the sun was at the center instead of the earth
  5. 9. Known as the father of Modern western philosophy/ideas
  6. 10. The person who proposed the theory of gravity
  7. 14. Someone who studies wisdom, love to study