ENT333 Radiation Heat Transfer

  1. 1. Rate at which radiation leaves a surface due to emission and reflection in all directions per unit area of the surface
  2. 4. Fraction of the incident radiation reflected by matter.
  3. 7. Direction dependent
  4. 9. Referring to a single-wavelength (monochromatic) component.
  5. 10. Fraction of the incident radiation absorbed by matter.
  6. 11. Electromagnetic energy emitted by matter at a non-zero temperature
  7. 12. Rate of radiant energy propagation in a particular direction
  8. 13. walls constructed out of low emissivity, high reflectivity materials to reduce the net radiation between two surfaces
  1. 2. Independent of direction
  2. 3. Rate at which radiation is incident on a surface from all directions per unit area of the surface
  3. 5. Fraction of the incident radiation transmitted by matter.
  4. 6. Ratio of the radiation emitted by a surface to the radiation emitted by a blackbody at the same temperature.
  5. 8. The ideal emitter and absorber.