Entrepreneurship and Marketing 10

  1. 4. the state that Costco was founded in (hint: close to BC)
  2. 6. what the ā€œeā€ in email means
  3. 8. someone who buys something from a business
  4. 10. An American show where entrepreneurs go to present their business ideas (2 words, no space)
  5. 11. Swedish company that sells furniture
  6. 12. what a new business started by an entrepreneur is sometimes called
  1. 1. A Canadian show where entrepreneurs go to present their business ideas (2 words, no space)
  2. 2. a company owned by Alphabet Inc.
  3. 3. to create or design something new
  4. 5. Name of brothers who invented and flew the first airplane
  5. 7. a person who starts and organizes a business, often taking a lot of risk in the beginning
  6. 9. a popular photo and video sharing social media platform