Entrepreneurship - FOPs Task - Max Cui Opt 2

  1. 1. 2.5 Something which investing shows you have
  2. 3. 4.1 A type of labour that doesn’t require high levels of education or training
  3. 5. 2.2 The remuneration for capital
  4. 7. 3.2 Jerry likes eating chocolate and decides to open up a store in his garden where he’ll teach students the best types of chocolate and the most efficient ways of eating chocolate. What type of entrepreneur is Jerry?
  5. 8. 1.4 A common type of natural resources found in the Western Cape because of its climate
  6. 11. 4.3 A type of laborer that studies wildlife
  7. 12. 1.1 Natural resources are resources that come from the ___
  8. 15. 2.1 Type of capital that is money invested into a business
  9. 17. 4.5 Unlike natural resources and capital, labour ___ production.
  10. 19. 3.1 Entrepreneurs satisfy the wants and needs of the ___
  1. 2. 3.5 Better ___ = better innovation
  2. 4. 3.4 In order to maintain a healthy public image, how must entrepreneurs act?
  3. 6. 2.4 A key action people must take so that they can eventually help grow the economy
  4. 9. 1.3 The remuneration for natural resources
  5. 10. 4.2 Industry with the least skilled labour
  6. 13. 3.3 An uncommon type of entrepreneur that will have many different businesses throughout their career
  7. 14. 1.5 If companies alter certain natural resources such as iron or rubber for their own profit, these natural resources are now considered what type of goods?
  8. 16. 1.2 A type of natural resources often associated with farming
  9. 17. 4.4 One way for employees to fight the employers’ policies
  10. 18. 2.3 Besides money, equipment and tools, what else does capital include?